Friday, January 19, 2007

Improved Simple Watercolor Demo

Copyright: http://realtime-watercolor.blogspot.com

As I changed a new graphics card(from Intel 82945G to NVidia 7300 GT), I have the hardware support to the better shading effect.

This time I use the floating-point texture(FP16, in Direct3D, it is D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F). FP needs not to be clamped, so its precision is higher than fix-point. FP is usually used in GPGPU(such as fluid simulation, soft body dynamics,etc) and HDR.

The higher precise FP format is FP32(in Direct3D, it is D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F), but it is not supported by hardwares universally, so I use FP16 here. It is adequate for this demo.

Furthermore, I add some paper textures to make it more real. Look at the picture above, the paper texture is papyrus.

Look at the two images as follows. The paper texture is rice paper("Xuan Zhi"). The effect is similar with "Chinese Wash". I think Chinese Wash and Western Watercolor is similar in the essential, while the representation is different.

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